meet the owner

Hello there!
My name is Maria Hjerppe and I am a Swedish artist, photographer, and graphic designer who specializes in working with horses and dogs.
For as far as I can remember, my life has revolved around animals and creative pursuits. Even though I have explored a number of different vocations during my life, I always kept going back to what I am passionate about: capturing the expressive beauty and individuality of the animals I love the most. All of us who love these extraordinary souls know very well that It is never ”just a horse” or ”only a dog”, but indeed true personalities with unique hearts, minds, and characteristics. The just-so tilt of a head; the mischievous glance; the pure look of unconditional love… all of this and more is why I love to portray our four-legged life companions.
I have a degree in Graphic Design & Communication from Linköping University as well as formal art education from the Art School of Stockholm, but my informal self-studies are just as important. Artistry is not just about capturing the essence of what is portrayed, but also about attempting to ensure that the work will last a lifetime. I have an insatiably curious mind which serves me well in this regard, and I am always reading and studying up on techniques and materials. I want my customers to feel certain that I have done my utmost to create a work that will stay true to color and form for as long as possible. I love to experiment with different styles and mediums, from the realistic pastel to the abstract sculpture, and I always strive to improve my work and expand my knowledge and artistic approach in as many ways as possible. Having a Type A perfectionistic personality may not always be in my own best interest, but it is certainly to the benefit of my customers!
I have always said that the very best part of my job is the joy it brings to people, and how this joy is mirrored back to me. It makes my week every single time someone tells me how thrilled they were to receive their purchase, and how they can’t wait to place it on a shelf or hang it on a wall. I also absolutely adore seeing how other artists interpret my unpainted sculptures and how they choose to paint them. It is a collaborative process of sorts that often elevates my work beyond what I could ever have imagined or come up with on my own. Seeing this continuation of my own artistic ideas and work is tremendously motivational. This circular giving and receiving of love, joy, and inspiration keeps my passion for art aflame and burning brightly, helping me in my quest to create pieces that will speak to your heart.
I would love to stay in touch with you, and I invite you to subscribe to my email newsletter and to follow me on my various social media platforms. You can find a newsletter sign-up form as well as my social media links in the footer of this page.
A Facebook footnote: I receive a lot of personal friend requests on Facebook, but as I try to separate my business from my private life I will rarely accept such requests from people I do not know. I assure you that the only thing you will miss by not being personal friends with me on Facebook are the gazillion photos I post of my dogs.